A.M. Lotito, V. de Pinto, F. D’Imperio, M.N. Miccoli, P.F. Garofoli – The importance of the dialogue with stakeholders in the selection of strategies for conservation, restoration and management of ecosystem services: the experience of the strategic project CASCADE

A.M. Lotito, V. de Pinto, F. D’Imperio, M.N. Miccoli, P.F. Garofoli – The importance of the dialogue with stakeholders in the selection of strategies for conservation, restoration and management of ecosystem services: the experience of the strategic project CASCADE

Puglia Region is the lead partner of the strategic project CASCADE (“CoAStal and marine waters integrated monitoring systems for ecosystems proteCtion AnD management”), financed by the European Interreg Programme V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020. The main focus of CASCADE...
Ferruccio Maltagliati – La pesca ricreativa in Italia

Ferruccio Maltagliati – La pesca ricreativa in Italia

Durante la XXVIII Rassegna del Mare di Terrasini, La tavola rotonda “La pesca ricreativa in Italia” si è svolta in parallelo a quella relativa alla “Pesca sostenibile e stato della pesca italiana e siciliana”, riguardante la pesca professionale. È interessante...