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A.M. Lotito, V. de Pinto, F. D’Imperio, M.N. Miccoli, P.F. Garofoli - The importance of the dialogue with stakeholders -EN.pdf | Download Share on Facebook |

Puglia Region is the lead partner of the strategic project CASCADE (“CoAStal and marine waters integrated monitoring systems for ecosystems proteCtion AnD management”), financed by the European Interreg Programme V-A Italy-Croatia 2014-2020. The main focus of CASCADE is to develop a set of concerted and coordinated actions including monitoring (observing and modelling) and management to enhance the knowledge and to evaluate the quality and assess the vulnerability of inland, coastal and marine ecosystems in Italy and Croatia with the final objective to restore endangered species and to support integrated management. The project will consolidate long-lasting research capabilities in the field by means of a concrete dialogue with stakeholders and the participation of Agencies, research centres and universities in order to enhance inland, coastal and marine knowledge. In fact, the partnership is constituted by 10 Italian and 6 Croatian partners and 4 associated partners, in a balanced mix of administration bodies, agencies, research centers and universities. Moreover, stakeholders’ involvement is fundamental in all project phases and dedicated activities, including ocean literacy toolkit and events (i.e., guided tours, laboratories, etc.), are foreseen.
A.M. Lotito, V. de Pinto, F. D’Imperio, M.N. Miccoli, P.F. Garofoli
Regione Puglia, Dipartimento Ambiente, Paesaggio e Qualità Urbana, Bari (BA)
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